Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sustaining a Healthy Diet this New Year

So here we go into the New Year and so many of us have made a pact with ourselves to eat healthier, get more exercise and improve our overall health, right ?

Everywhere we turn there is some new diet or product that holds the magic answer, right ? The weight loss & dieting industry has become such an enormous money making market in a society that doesn't want to take the time to do it correctly. Apparently, too many people grew up thinking that the "Jetsons" cartoon actually is the way of the future.. push a button..take a pill.. it's all good.. and fast too !

If you truly are interested in improving your diet and health it must start at the ground floor & that starting point is with your PERSPECTIVE. The majority of us struggle with the discipline of sticking to any type of diet change. As a result, we focus on short-term goals.."I need to lose weight before I go on my cruise... I want to be able to get into that bathing suit by spring..on and on" . Then we live in diet "Purgatory", counting the days, just barely hanging on as we approach that date and goal. One month later, allllll the weight is back where it was and there has been no sustained change in our habits. If you ask people who do not consider themselves"dieters" they will tell you "It's just the way I's a habit" THAT my friends is the perspective we need ! So the big question remains: How do I make healthy choices part of my lifestyle rather than a temporary goal ?

Start by admitting to yourself that it will not be as easy as continuing on the path you were on. This means making a commitment to spending more time preparing foods as opposed to grabbing prepackaged foods & fast foods.

Here are ten tips to help you change your habits when it comes to eating:

  1. CLEANOUT - Identify the foods that you tend to overeat, eat out of boredom & that are not healthy... get them out of the kitchen.

  2. DON'T RESTRICT ALL FOODS ALL OF THE TIME - There is evidence to show that if you try to eliminate something entirely from your diet (like sweet cravings) you are likely to overcompensate with something else, doing more harm that good.

  3. INCLUSION vs. EXCLUSION - Focus on eating a variety of healthy foods you opposed to focusing on the elimination of unhealthy foods you need to minimize.

  4. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - recognize the feelings of hunger & being "full" . Don't lose track of what your body is telling you and eat just to keep the schedule or keep eating because someone put a portion in front of you that is more than you need.

  5. PORTION SIZE - Understand portion size particularly with "heavy" items... such as pasta, bread, etc. Stay away from the "Super Size me" craze.

  6. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY - Daily physical activity is essential for many reasons. Maintaining a higher metabolism will allow you more "sins" in your diet and you won't feel like you have to be perfect all the time...

  7. NO FAD DIETS OR QUICK FIXERS - a balanced healthy diet is the only thing that will work and have "staying" power. Ignore all the hype from the industry. Marketers are all trying to make money so they pitch the "quick and easy"..

  8. MOTIVATION - Do not sell yourself short by "dangling the carrot" to motivate yourself... such as the bathing suit you want to fit into... improving and sustaining long term health is the goal.

  9. AVOID DRINKING CALORIES - It's like shooting yourself in the foot to work so hard on your diet and overlook what you are drinking. Large coffee with extra cream, whole milk, juices, soda, mixed alcoholic drinks with several mixers.. Find options that work so that you don't feel guilty having what you enjoy. Everything in moderation.

  10. DINING OUT - Limit the amount of times you eat out each week. It is next to impossible to identify what and how much you are consuming. Again, no need to eliminate ...just moderate.

You'll win some battles..and you'll lose some battles.. but don't lose focus on the War !

Good luck !


Taurean Training and Wellness